Senator Martin Heinrich’s Statement on Securing Democratic Nomination for U.S. Senate

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Senator Martin Heinrich’s Statement on Securing Democratic Nomination for U.S. Senate

ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Senator Martin Heinrich released the following statement in response to securing New Mexico’s Democratic nomination for candidate for U.S. Senate:

I’m humbled to be New Mexico’s Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate. I’m so proud of the work we’ve done to secure major investments in our state’s future, and I will continue to fight every day for New Mexicans by lowering costs for working families, growing our economy and building the middle class, and protecting our state’s natural heritage and resources for future generations.

My opponent, a multimillionaire former hedge fund executive, left New Mexico fifty years ago and has spent her career fighting for Wall Street. Now she’s trying to buy herself a senate seat while refusing to answer even the most basic questions about her positions on issues critical to our state. Unfortunately for her, New Mexicans expect an election, not an auction.
