Senator Martin Heinrich on CNN News Central: “This ruling will undoubtedly cost innocent American lives”

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Senator Martin Heinrich on CNN News Central: “This ruling will undoubtedly cost innocent American lives”

ALBUQUERQUE, NM — In an interview with Brianna Keiler on CNN News Central, Senator Martin Heinrich slammed the radical Supreme Court’s dangerous decision to overturn a Trump-era ban on bump stocks.

VIDEO: Martin Heinrich joins CNN to discuss consequences of radical Supreme Court ruling to overturn Trump-era ban on bump stocks.

I find this ruling to be incredibly offensive as somebody who’s owned guns my entire life. These things function as machine guns, and this ruling will undoubtedly cost innocent American lives. There’s just no legitimate use for bump stocks,” said Heinrich.

Heinrich continued, “Oftentimes, things are impossible in Congress until the moment that they’re not, and unfortunately, oftentimes that moment is some incredible tragedy. I was very involved in negotiating the bipartisan gun safety bill that we passed a couple of years ago, which was completely impossible until the Uvalde shooting happened. I’m worried that it’s going to take some moment like Las Vegas, where so many people were gunned down by those assault rifles with bump stocks attached, to create some sobriety in Congress and say that we have to do something about this.

Heinrich authored bipartisan legislation that would permanently ban bump stocks. He was part of the core group that negotiated the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act — the first significant federal gun safety legislation to become law in 30 years — specifically leading the successful effort to increase criminal penalties for straw purchases and stop illegal gun trafficking out of our country.

Watch the full interview here.

