NEW AD: Senator Heinrich “Kept His Promise” to Keep Rural VA Clinics Open

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NEW AD: Senator Heinrich “Kept His Promise” to Keep Rural VA Clinics Open

ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Senator Martin Heinrich’s campaign today released a new ad focused on his unwavering commitment to New Mexico’s veterans. The ad, titled “Walked the Walk,” features a testimonial from a New Mexico veteran who received care at the Gallup VA clinic and highlights Heinrich’s work to successfully block the closure of the VA’s community-based outpatient clinics in Gallup, Las Vegas, Española, and Raton.

When the VA threatened to close clinics in rural New Mexico, I fought back because no veteran should have to drive hundreds of miles to get the care they earned in service to our nation,” said Sen. Heinrich. “Keeping the Gallup VA clinic—and those in Las Vegas, Española and Raton—open was a promise I made, and it’s a promise I kept. Our veterans deserve nothing less than accessible, quality healthcare, and I will continue fighting to ensure that every veteran, regardless of where they live, has access to the services they need and deserve.


This clinic saved my life.
When I got home from active duty,
The Gallup VA Clinic gave me the care that I needed.
Years later, the VA had plans to close it down,
And it would have forced us veterans to travel out of state for care.
Senator Heinrich came to meet with us.
He listened to us. He really listened.
Senator Heinrich said that he would do everything in his power to keep our clinic open.
And he kept his promise.
I’m Martin Heinrich and I approve this message.

The ad will air statewide in New Mexico. Watch the ad here.