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A Senator Fighting for All New Mexicans

Introductory photo

A Problem Solver Committed to New Mexico’s Future

The son of an immigrant lineman and a factory worker, Martin Heinrich is a natural problem solver dedicated to building a safer and more prosperous New Mexico. While much progress has been made, Martin remains focused on ensuring every New Mexican thrives.

On The Issues


Protecting Reproductive Rights and Freedoms

Martin is deeply committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including the right to access an abortion. By advocating for robust legal protections and opposing efforts to roll back these rights, Martin is dedicated to maintaining and expanding access to reproductive health services for all.

Bases & Labs

Strengthening New Mexico's Leadership in National Security

Martin is committed to ensuring that our military bases and national laboratories continue to be at the cutting edge of defense and technological progress. His efforts are focused on securing the necessary resources and support to maintain and expand their critical missions.


Protecting New Mexico's Natural Heritage

New Mexico’s natural resources are the lifeblood of our state, driving our economy and sustaining our communities. Martin has worked tirelessly to protect our public lands from exploitation and degradation, and he understands that safeguarding our environment is not just about preserving landscapes – it’s about ensuring a sustainable future for all New Mexicans.

Cost of Living

Reducing Costs and Holding Corporations Accountable

As the cost of living continues to rise, Martin is committed to easing the financial strain on New Mexican families and ensuring fairness in the marketplace. He recognizes the challenges everyday Americans face, from skyrocketing healthcare expenses to rent and utility bills that seem to climb higher each month. In the face of these challenges, Martin is dedicated to implementing policies that alleviate the financial burdens and promote economic stability.

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