ICYMI: Martin Heinrich Touts Record of Results in New Interview

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ICYMI: Martin Heinrich Touts Record of Results in New Interview

ALBUQUERQUE, NM — In an interview that aired this week on KRQE’s New Mexico Insiders Podcast, Senator Martin Heinrich touted his significant record of accomplishments for New Mexico on the economy and public safety, while outlining his priorities for another term. Heinrich also firmly championed his most deeply held values, protecting American democracy and reproductive rights.

When asked about the economy, Senator Heinrich promoted his impressive legislative efforts at bringing good-paying jobs to every corner of New Mexico. Referencing the passage of the IRA, Heinrich noted, “We passed a major energy transition bill…that is having a huge impact on New Mexico.” He went on to celebrate huge financial windfalls for the state, including investments from major climate infrastructure manufacturers like Arcosa and SunZia. These investments bring thousands of jobs to New Mexico and constitute “the largest clean energy generation project in the western hemisphere.” Heinrich committed to protecting New Mexico’s military bases and national labs, major drivers of the state economy, and making New Mexico a state where people can, “Grow up here, work here, and have a job they can build a family around.”

Asked about crime and gun violence, Sen. Heinrich explained how his legislative record has helped keep New Mexicans safe. Noting that he is a gun-owner, he stated, “Gun owners have a special responsibility to work on gun safety.” Heinrich was instrumental in passing the Safer Communities Act, “the first major gun legislation in thirty years.” He went on to explain the way this act inhibited straw gun purchases and helped prosecute gun trafficking. Acknowledging there was more to be done, Heinrich said he would fight for the passage of the Go Safe Act, which would “regulate incredibly dangerous firearms used over and over again in crimes and mass shootings.”

Asked about his reasons for running for another term, Heinrich emphasized the historic nature of our current election. “This is an historic election, a choice…between continuing the democratic experiment that has served this country well…and potentially going in a much more unilateral direction.” Rather than succumb to the threat leveled by Donald Trump and Project 2025, Heinrich will stand strong to preserve American democracy.

Heinrich also described the current threat to reproductive rights in the wake of the Dobbs decision, and recommitted to the battle for abortion rights. “There’s an enormous amount to be done in protecting the right to choose. We’ve seen since the Dobbs decision a real radical shift in the ability for women to make their own healthcare decisions…There’s a role for the house and the senate to turn that around. I’d love to see Roe v. Wade enacted into statute.”

The segment was originally supposed to be paired with an interview with Heinrich’s opponent, multimillionaire former hedge fund executive Nella Domenici. Faced with an opportunity to outline her agenda with New Mexico voters, Domenici…opted not to show up. In what has become a familiar pattern, “No-Show” Nella was too busy to explain why New Mexicans should vote for her.

You can listen to the full interview here.