On The Issues

Protecting Reproductive Rights and Freedoms

Martin is deeply committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including the right to access an abortion. By advocating for robust legal protections and opposing efforts to roll back these rights, Martin is dedicated to maintaining and expanding access to reproductive health services for all.

Strengthening New Mexico's Leadership in National Security

Martin is committed to ensuring that our military bases and national laboratories continue to be at the cutting edge of defense and technological progress. His efforts are focused on securing the necessary resources and support to maintain and expand their critical missions.

Protecting New Mexico's Natural Heritage

Martin has worked tirelessly to protect our public lands from exploitation and degradation, and he understands that safeguarding our environment is not just about preserving landscapes — it’s about ensuring a sustainable future for all New Mexicans. He knows that addressing climate change is crucial for protecting our natural heritage and ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.

Reducing Costs and Holding Corporations Accountable

As the cost of living continues to rise, Martin is committed to easing the financial strain on New Mexican families and ensuring fairness in the marketplace. He recognizes the challenges everyday Americans face, from skyrocketing healthcare expenses to rent and utility bills that seem to climb higher each month. In the face of these challenges, Martin is dedicated to implementing policies that alleviate the financial burdens and promote economic stability.

Making Our Communities Safer

Every New Mexican deserves to feel safe in their community, and Martin is focused on continuing the work to make that a reality. That’s why he’s used every available tool to help law enforcement solve more crimes, increase the interventions that prevent crimes from ever happening, and deliver support to survivors.

Safeguarding Our Democracy and Protecting Voting Rights

Martin is deeply committed to safeguarding our democracy and protecting voting rights to ensure that the voices of all New Mexicans are heard and counted. In the face of mounting threats to our democracy, Martin stands as a staunch defender of voting rights and democratic principles.

Growing New Mexico's Economy and Creating Good Jobs

By prioritizing policies that support job creation and empower workers, Martin is working to ensure that every New Mexican has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and contribute to the state’s success. He has championed legislation that revitalizes industries, supports small businesses, and invests in infrastructure to ensure a prosperous future for New Mexico.

Providing Educational Opportunity for All New Mexicans

Martin believes that every child in New Mexico deserves access to a quality education. He understands that investing in early education is crucial for setting our children up for success. Martin envisions a robust public education pipeline that guides students from early childhood education to college or technical schools, preparing them for the jobs of the future. He believes that this pipeline should be fully funded and shaped by local input. 

Harnessing Our Energy Potential

Martin knows that New Mexico’s economic prosperity and environmental health are intertwined. By harnessing our state’s abundant natural resources and embracing clean energy technologies, we can create jobs, drive innovation, and combat climate change. Martin is dedicated to supporting policies that promote clean energy development, protect our environment, and strengthen our economy for future generations.

Saving Lives and Preserving Rights

Martin recognizes the urgent need for common sense gun safety measures to protect our communities while respecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. He is a national leader in tackling gun violence, and believes that responsible gun ownership and sensible regulations can coexist, ensuring the safety and security of all New Mexicans. Martin has been a staunch advocate for legislation that addresses gun violence and promotes safer communities.

Expanding Access to Care and Reducing Costs

Martin is committed to ensuring that every New Mexican has access to affordable, high-quality health care. He believes that health care is a fundamental right, not a privilege, and has been a steadfast advocate for policies that expand access, reduce costs, and improve the overall well-being of our communities. From prescription drug affordability to telehealth expansion, Martin is working tirelessly to address the pressing health care needs of New Mexicans.

Improving Border Security, Immigration Pathways, and Trade

Martin knows our immigration system is broken. That’s why he is committed to fighting for immigration reform that improves our border security and enforcement while also creating a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers, a more efficient visa system, a reformed process for those legitimately seeking asylum, and a tough but fair path to residency for those who follow the law, pass background checks, and pay taxes.

Prioritizing Recovery and Support for Mental Health and Addiction

Martin recognizes the importance of mental health care and the profound impact of addiction on individuals, families, and communities across New Mexico. He is committed to ensuring that New Mexicans have access to quality, affordable mental health care when they need it, within their home communities, and without stigma. He is also working to help those struggling with substance use, to ensure they have access to the support and resources they need to recover and thrive.

Honoring Military Service with Support

Martin is deeply committed to honoring the service and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans by ensuring they receive the care and support they deserve. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by veterans, Martin has worked tirelessly to expand access to quality health care, protect vital services, and improve resources for those who have served our country with bravery and distinction.